Neoplasmas of Cattle photo gallery 2

Haevy papillomatosis of the head and the neck

Hamartoma in a new-born calf

Hamartoma on the occipital area of a calf

Hemangioma on the eyelid

Hemangioma on the gum II

Hemangioma on the gum

Hemangioma on the skin

Horn prolyferation

Lymphosarcoma ,juvenile form - cutaneus lesions

Lymphosacroma ,juvenile form - hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue in the liver

Lymphosarcoma ,juvenile form - hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue in the thorax

Lymphosarcoma ,juvenile form - hyperplasia of the precrural lymph node

Lymphosarcoma ,juvenile form in a beef calf

Lymphosacoma, juvenile form - hyperplasia of the prescapular lymph node

Lymphosarcoma, associeted with bovine leukemia virus

Lymphosarcoma, bovine leukemia

Lymphosarcoma, cutaneus form severe lesions

Lymphosarcoma, cutaneus form

Melanocytoma in a beef cow

Melanocytoma on the for-leg